Almost two years ago when President Obama took office, he probably had no idea what it was exactly he was inheriting.  While I personally didn't vote (I was somewhat confused as to where I stood politics-wise), if I had I would have cast my vote in his favor.  He was (and is) young, energetic, an excellent speaker and natural leader, and a face that we could all rally around.

But what I did also notice was the ridiculous hoopla that his reputation had garnered.  People (especially in Ann Arbor) had him pegged as the savior, the one who would change everything, a superman hiding among us only to now come forward to lead us to peace and happiness.

While a supporter of our current president, I expressed mild frustration at this spirit.  Although our president is a very smart man, and very capable of leading our country, he is still human in all respects.  He can't change everything instantaneously, he's going to make mistakes, he's going to anger and seemingly betray those who once held him in high-esteem.

So I thought the best way I could support Pres. Obama was to remind people of this fact, lest they be disappointed following election day, where they went to bed with God and woke up with a human instead.  I just hoped that people who worshipped Pres. Obama would eventually realize that he's imperfect as the rest of us, and only capable of so much.

Once that is understood, we can really get to work, and let the President get to his work as well.  I'm sure he's a very busy man, just like you and I.  My bosses don't expect perfection out of me.  Perhaps we shouldn't expect it out of him.  After all, he is, at least in spirit, in our employ.